For Ambre McLean, music is everything – and everything is music. Born to a household of traveling troubadours, Ambre‘s musical education began early as all the most important life lessons do – the very beginning…
“Have you ever noticed we tend to think about things in our mother tongue? We’ll work out our problems, we plan our days, and we describe our relationships with everything in this world often using only the words we’ve been taught.” states McLean, “I consider music my first language. So when I think about the people in my life, and the moments that have defined me – I do it with music first. When I need to work something out, or tell a story, or convey a message – music is my medium. It’s how I communicate best with this world.”
This message becomes quickly apparent to any listener experiencing Ambre‘s music. “Ambre McLean’s lyrics pour out to her listeners, as if she is speaking directly to them.” writes one fan. As she seamlessly flows between the jovial and the melancholy, from one instrument to another, Ambre seems to both marry musical genres, and render them irrelevant all at the same time. “Ambre McLean defies categorization, and this is good – don’t bother naming it, just enjoy” states radio host David Yazbeck.
A staple of the Candian indie and folk music scenes for nearly 2 decades, McLean has become renowned for her live performances. While her multi-instrumental approach, and compelling songwriting set the stage, it’s Ambre‘s unique and captivating voice that truly steps into the spotlight. With the help of her trusty loop pedal, and a bag of musical magic tricks, Ambre creates soundscapes that seem to wash over you and swallow you whole – that then make way for touching and intimate soliloquies that set your heart free.